How to update Rocket-Soccer
Login to Keymaster, navigate to your purchases Assets and redownload Rocket-Soccer.
Replace your old ressource with the new one and make sure to check settings.lua for possible changes.
Updates for all our scripts are free of charge!
Update 1.0.5
Most wished change implemented: 50% smaller Octane! (included for free)
Readjusted the jump function to adapt the new vehicle size
Readjusted the drift function to adapt the new vehicle size
Readjusted the boost function to adapt the new vehicle size
Implemented choice to choose either 2D- or 3D-text
Discord Bot now supports event-mode
Discord Bot now supports adding players to queue
Discord Bot now supports remove players from queue
Optimized reset ball logic to reset ball in case it leaves the playing field
Its important to update your settings.lua from the last update!
Update 1.0.4
NPC-PED logic is now handled clientside rather then serverside to prevent despawn of NPC's.
Authentification added for our own Discord Bot.
Fixxed a ConVar error which had no impact on script functionality, but hey now its gone.
Its important to update your settings.lua from the last update!
Update 1.0.3
Added more options to the API.
API now allows for calls to objects.
Added Authentication for API Server.
Games are now streamable over web.
The octane car is now included in the ressource.
Update 1.0.2
Fixxed issue when a player receives a game-crash when beeing in a round of Rocket-Soccer. (Round would not end correctly).
Fixed issue when a player disconnects during in a round of Rocket-Soccer (Round would end to early)
Changed the default respawn position (after a round ends) outside of the Arena Map. (Players would get invisibility sometimes).
Optimized loops and improved performance of the script.
Update 1.0.1
Performance improvement from 0.03 to 0.00 ms in idle (Outside Maze Bank Arena)