exports["RocketSoccer"]:Notify(source, message)
exports["RocketSoccer"]:StartRound(sourceOrange, sourceBlue)
If the return of the function is false, the round will not start, but if it is true, it will.
If the return of the function is false, the round will not stop, but if it is true, it will.
Change the return of the function to a different name (this will be displayed in the DUI)
Check if player is allowed to join the queue
If true is returned, the player can be added to the respective queue.
Note that you have to add the player to the queue yourself:
queue[team][source] = true
Add a player to the queue
exports["RocketSoccer"]:AddPlayerToQueue(source, team, force, player)
The return is only relevant for further processing of the function.
The actual logic is:
queue[team][source] = true / false
Check if player is in the queue of a team
Change the return of the function to change the logic:
true / false
Remove a player from the queue
exports["RocketSoccer"]:RemovePlayerFromQueue(source, player)
The following line is the deciding logic which a player removes.
Modify these lines to detect manipulation
queue.blue[source] = nil
queue.orange[source] = nil
exports["RocketSoccer"]:CreateVehicle(model, vector)
Change the following line to return a different variable on return.
This can help if there are problems with an anticheat.
Note that the correct data type must be returned (see Return Tab).
return CreateVehicle(model, vector, true, false)
An entity of the type Vehicle is returned
exports["RocketSoccer"]:CreateObject(model, vector)
Change the following line to return a different variable on return.
This can help if there are problems with an anticheat.
Note that the correct data type must be returned (see Return Tab).
return CreateObject(model, vector, true, false, false)
An entity of the type Object is returned
Called when trying to tune up your vehicle using the internal trigger and it is not a Rocket Soccer vehicle.
Called when the round ends.
Called when a team scores a goal